Proven Methods To Boost Productivity, Even If You Have ADHD

Poor concentration, hyperactivity, lack of learning capabilities and many such problems are often linked with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Even if you don’t have ADHD, you may experience low productivity at the workplace and sometimes confused functionality. The core problem may be lack of attention, inability to direct hormones, impulsivity, and others, but the following proven methods can help you boost productivity across the board.

The Morning

It is a science-baked argument that the first few hours of your day are the most productive and creative. Adjusting your morning and planning out your workday routine before it starts improves your creativity and concentration and boosts productivity.

Here are some tips to schedule your day.

Wake Up Early In The Morning: According to a study conducted by Harvard biologist, Christoph Randler, people who wake up early in the morning demonstrate pro-activeness and more creativity, and are more disciplined. In simple words, the early bird gets the worm.

Routine: Make a quick draft of your routine to trump the clock. The best way is to make your routine time-bound. Write down all the tasks in order of priority. Planning out your routine will help you get things done in time and manage them in the correct manner.

Breakfast: The right time to eat your breakfast is between 1 to 3 hours after waking up. Exercising before breakfast is also a great way to activate your neurons. Make sure to eat a fruit and 3 to 5 nuts along with food items with protein and calcium in the morning.

The Workday

Plan Your Work: List down all the activities, without ignoring your least favorite tasks. You have to complete them anyway.

Breakdown: Short-term targets are easier to achieve than long-term targets. Break your actions into smaller tasks, count them and make sure to divide the time among them. It will help you achieve your goal before the deadline.

Keep Your Brain Focused: Useless thoughts distract concentration. A quick exercise to maintain concentration at work and clean up the brain is to look at a pencil for 2 to 5 minutes or until you are prepared to concentrate again.

To-Do List: Don’t hesitate to hang your to-do list at your workstation.

Let Co-Workers Understand: Co-workers will automatically become accustomed to your routine. Let them understand your difficulties in accomplishing the tasks and create a comfort zone for yourself at your office.

Sound Sucks: Surrounding voices break established concentration. Avoid talking, turn off the phone and stop listening to music. You may check your phone and listen to music while taking a break.

Dopamine Recharge: It is not the failure of our bodies but the failure of chemistry between us and work that interferes with focus. For a quick dopamine recharge, try exercises at work including a few jumping jacks and pushups.

Water And Workout: Water is the best fluid to keep you recharged and concentrated. Short exercises every 2 hours are a bonus to enhance concentration.

General Tips

  • Personal management is the key to reduce your work time.


  • Always specify one place for your stuff to keep it organized. It will also help you find everything in place.


  • Always revise your work; be it at home or at workplace. Always check your work twice before completing it.


  • Social networking sites and other related sites are the largest sources of distraction at workplaces today. Use tools to block all such sites.


  • When you are busy at work, make sure to put aside your cell phone to avoid unnecessary distraction.


  • Working too much leads to fatigue and exhaustion. With tired muscles and brain, the activity of your adrenaline reduces and the ratio of productivity falls down the next day. Work at your average productivity, and try to increase it gradually.


  • All incoming messages interfere with your concentration. Simply, ignore them!


  • Take your least favorite task as a challenge and embrace it as a productivity booster.


  • Include idle time in your schedule. Rest is important to keep your brain and muscles fresh. This is the reason that the Japanese schools allow children to sleep during lunch break.

With a few changes in your life using these proven methods, you will see a clear transformation in your productivity ratio at work. A bonus tip is to sleep early at night and take at least 8 hours of sleep.

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