Chest Congestion remedies and symptoms

Chest Congestion very Common Problem Facing Lot of People. Particularly In Winter Season Lot of Person Face This Disease. Patient Who Is Suffering This Disease Always Feeling Pressure and Tightness In The Chest. here is Chest Congestion Causes, Symptoms and Finally Remedies Detail.

Chest Congestion

Actually In This Disease a Patient Feels a Lot Of Pressure On his chest some time very severe pain in chest. All This Due To The Production of Mucus in Excessive amount in the Human Respiratory System, Also Large amount of Fluid produced in the way of Lungs. That’s Why human Breathing Way Is disturb very badly and breathing capability become short and short. Extra Amount of Mucus and fluid mix up with the air which is used by human for breathing and finally chest pain and lot of pressure is produced in human chest. It is Very Difficult situation for patient because he feel always uncomfortable in breathing which is main source of life. Heaviness and pressure on chest produced chest pain. Mucus and fluid fill up in lungs and finally restrict the air flow of breathing.

Chest Congestion Causes

01. Cold Environment
02. Infection in Respiratory system
03. Allergic Reactions
04. Asthma
05. flu
06. airborne allergies
07. gastroesophageal reflux
08. pulmonary edema
09. croup
10. heart failure,
11. pneumonia
12. lung cancer
13. and cystic fibrosis

Cold Environment

In Winter Condition Due to Cold Environment lot of mucus is produced in the body which is surrounded around the respiratory system and become hurdle of breathing.

Infection in Respiratory system

Respiratory system is Main Stream of human breathing. Actually it is the way of between mouth and Lungs of human by using this way human inhale air from outer environment and back to the air if any thing is produced in this way breathing become difficult. in the case of chest congestion lot of mucus and fluid produced in this way both become the part of air which is used by human for breathing that’s why breathing become difficult and human feel pressure on his chest.

Allergic Reactions

Medicine Produced reaction if a Person Allergic From them. in this situation in human body lot of main stream organ behave abnormally and in this situation mucus and unnecessary fluid also produced which causing chest pain.

Lunges Cancer

In This situation abnormal production of unwanted cells started in lungs
which become hurdle of breathing and finally patient feel pressure on his chest.

Chest Congestion Symptoms

. Shortness of Breathing
. Chest Pain
. Coughing
. Runny Nose
. dizziness
. blood in cough
. loud noise while breathing
. labored breathing
. Pressure on chest

Shortness of Breathing

Very Severe Problem face by patient in chest congestion. his breathing gradually become short and short due to mucus and fluid in the way of air which is used by human for breathing.


As The Chest Congestion Start Coughing also start due to extra amount of fluid in respiratory system. some times this cough suitable for patient because it thrown out extra fluid and toxics from human body.

Chest Congestion Remedies

Chest Congestion handle with two types of remedies one is most suit able is chest congestion home remedies and second is medical remedies.

Chest congestion Home remedies

Lot of home remedies which are used for chest congestion. Herbal Cures and Natural expectorants are used as home remedies.

. Water
. Fruits
. Vegetables
. Hot Herbal Tea
. Spicy Food


In Chest Congestion Situation Drinking water is one of the most popular home remedies by using water mucus and fluid are thrown out from body.

Yellow Fruits and Vegetables

the uses of yellow vegetables and fruits must be increase these are also suitable for patient.also eat spicy food which are killed harmful bacteria and virus.

Hi, I am professor of pharmacy I do search in the field of Chest congestion remedies So I find solution for Chest Congestion.Read all my article to know Chest Congestion Remedies for the patient.

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